My Story
My professional journey began as a student of studying culture and group dynamics when I first met Dr. Edward C. Stewart in 2003. We have collaborated a few academic projects together over the years including a presentation at NAFSA Annual Conference in Washington DC in 2008. Throughout my collaboration with Dr. Stewart, he generously shared his knowledge and insights regarding culture at the interpersonal and group levels. As I honor his intellectual legacy and scholarship, my professional activities further extend Dr. Stewart’s theories of Cultural Dynamics in order to solve issues related to managing diversity.
As a researcher-practitioner of cultural dynamics, my academic activities involves with leadership development, managing diversity and intercultural conflict resolution. I am also a professional/academic administrator, and have worked with international students and scholars at higher education institutions in Japan, US, and Germany. Most recently, I was a faculty member at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo from 2010 to 2016. In the U.S., I held dual appointment at International Programs and Services and World Languages and Cultures at Coastal Carolina University between 2005 to 2008. I was also International Programs Coordinator at Virginia Wesleyan College from 2002-2003. In 2006, I was at University of Duisburg-Essen to work on a project related to International Internship between East Asia and Germany. My teaching and research focus on improving performance and collaboration of individuals and groups from different cultures by taking advantages of organizational and community diversity.
I am currently a doctoral student in Higher Education Program at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. I received Connaught Scholarship as the first OISE international student in 2016. I was also the first overseas Japanese citizen to become a Rotary Peace Fellow from the U.S. to come to International Christian University. I completed MA in Peace Studies in 2010. I also received MA in International Education from SIT Graduate Institute in Vermont, U.S. in 2004. My undergraduate and high school education were also in the U.S. between 1995 and 2001.